Thursday, May 30, 2013

Blog Tour Introduction

A very happy Wednesday to you!

I just learned about a wonderful opportunity to be a part of a blog tour with Mountain Springs House Publishing, so I jumped on it. Why? Because I was so excited to read the other bloggers introductions and I LOVE TO WRITE! 

I just learned about Mountain Springs House Publishing yesterday and submitted my first fiction/fantasy novel, Biting Winds. (Fingers  crossed) I'd love it if you checked them out at: 

Now, let me tell you about me. First, I am addicted to exclamation points, because I'm excited about what I write! I'm going to try to tame it down a bit, but how can I, when my next paragraph is about...

My family! I am a mother to three of the most amazing children. I have a seventeen year old son who is a talented musician. I have no doubt he'll be more successful in his career than me, and I'm perfectly comfortable retiring off of his millions. My younger son is twelve, and he is blossoming as a percussionist, though I'm not sure there isn't a subject he couldn't master. My daughter is five, and if you haven't already figured it out, she's a practicing diva. Scratch that! She's perfected the art of diva-ism. My poor, poor husband has been cursed not only with an eccentric, prankster wife with a dry sense of humor, but our children have also followed closely in my footsteps. But he's a great sport as long as I break away from the kids for date night, motorcycle rides, and one day finish the dragon series I promised him years ago.

So, there really is a me outside of my family. I love all of the traditional activities you read about in singles ads. Reading, writing, nature, photography, camping, candlelit dinners, and long walks on the beach. There's also the darker side that secretly wants to meet a vampire, raise a pet dragon, swim with mermaids, and fly with fairies. (Not so secret anymore!)

I self-published Biting Winds, but I'm honestly not convinced self-publishing is for me. Writing is solitary enough, and I could use the support and expertise of a publishing house in my corner. My second book, Storms of Innocence is written, but not quite ready to be submitted to a publisher. I need a month or so to edit and revise. I also have three dragon novels in the early birthing process.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, and hopefully you get a chance to check out Mountain Springs Publishing.

-Shawna Ireland


  1. I am so proud of you! You are an awesome friend and a great mama! Love ya <3

  2. Can't wait to read more of your blog!

  3. That was Bel... it didn't take my google account. :)
